If any of you guys could help me out, it would be much appreciated. ( I know I forgot to use any of the Signs, but I've tried using IGNI and AXII and neither helped lower his health any more than what I accomplished here.) Here is a video of me attempting to fight the werewolf.
I've been told to apply Cursed Oil to my blade, but it's only giving me the option to make Enhanced Cursed Oil which requires regular Cursed Oil to craft, which there is no recipe for in my Alchemy. I've tried many things to try and kill him, but I haven't been able to even take him down a quarter health. The problem being, he heals more health than I can deal dmg. This current quest I need to kill the werewolf to beat the quest. The first one I died 10 times and found a way to avoid him.
So I've only died about 4 or 5 times during the Witcher 3 excluding the 2 werewolf fights I've had to deal with. Impossible Witcher 3 Werewolf fight, please help.